Psalm 83

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Hold not thy tongue, O God, keep | not still | silence ||
re- frain | not thy- | self, O | God. ||
2 For lo, thine | enemies • make a | murmur•ing ||
and they that | hate • thee have | lift up their | head. ||
3 They have imagined craftily a- | gainst thy | people ||
and taken | counsel a- | gainst thy | secret • ones. ||
4 They have said, * Come, and let us root them out, that they be no | more a | people ||
and that the name of Israel may | be no | more • in re- | membrance. ||
5 For they have cast their heads together with | one con- | sent ||
and | are con- | feder•ate a- | gainst thee; ||
6 The tabernacles of the | Edomites, • and the | Ismael•ites ||
the | Moab- | ites and | Haga•renes; ||
7 Gebal, and | Ammon, • and | Ama•lek ||
the Philistines, with | them that | dwell at | Tyre. ||
8 Assur | also is | joined • with them ||
and have | holpen the | children of | Lot. ||
9 But do thou to them as | unto the | Madian•ites ||
unto Sisera, and unto | Jabin • at the | brook of | Kison; ||
10 Who | perished at | Endor ||
and be- | came • as the | dung • of the | earth. ||
11 Make them and their princes like | Oreb • and | Zeb ||
yea, make all their princes like as | Zeba | and Sal- | mana; ||
12 Who say, Let us | take • to our- | selves ||
the | houses of | God • in pos- | session. ||
13 O my God, make them | like un•to a | wheel ||
and | as the | stubble be•fore the | wind; ||
14 Like as the fire that | burneth • up the | wood ||
and as the | flame that con- | sumeth the | mountains. ||
15 Persecute them even | so • with thy | tempest ||
and | make • them a- | fraid • with thy | storm. ||
16 Make their | faces a- | shamed, O • Lord ||
that | they may | seek thy | Name. ||
17 Let them be confounded and vexed ever | more and | more ||
let them be | put to | shame, and | perish. ||
18 And they shall know that thou, whose | Name • is Je- | hovah ||
art only the most | Highest • over | all the | earth. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||