Psalm 78

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Hear my | law, • O my | people ||
incline your | ears un•to the | words of my | mouth. ||
2 I will open my | mouth • in a | para•ble ||
I will de- | clare hard | senten•ces of | old; ||
3 Which we have | heard and | known ||
and such | as our | fathers have | told us; ||
4 That we should not hide them from the children of the gener- | ations to | come ||
but to shew the honour of the Lord, * his mighty and | wonderful | works that • he hath | done. ||
5 He made a covenant with Jacob, and gave | Isra•el a | law ||
which he commanded our | fore•fathers to | teach their | children; ||
6 That their posterity might know it, * and the children which were | yet un- | born; ||
7 To the intent that when they came up, they might | shew their | children the | same; ||
8 That they might put their | trust in | God ||
and not to forget the works of | God, • but to | keep • his com- | mandments; ||
9 And not to be as their forefathers, a faithless and | stubborn • gener- | ation ||
a generation that set not their heart aright, * and whose spirit cleaveth not | stedfastly | unto | God; ||
10 Like as the | children of | Eph•raim ||
who being harnessed, and carrying bows, * turned themselves | back • in the | day of | battle. ||
11 They kept not the | cove•nant of | God ||
and | would not | walk in his | law; ||
12 But for- | gat what • he had | done ||
and the wonderful | works that | he had | shewed • for them. ||
13 Marvellous things did he in the | sight of our | fore•fathers, ||
in the land of Egypt, | even • in the | field of | Zoan. ||
14 He divided the sea, and let | them go | through ||
he made the | waters to | stand • on an | heap. ||
15 In the daytime also he | led them • with a | cloud ||
and all the night | through • with a | light of | fire. ||
16 He clave the hard | rocks • in the | wilder•ness ||
and gave them drink thereof, as it had been | out of the | great | depth. ||
17 He brought waters out of the | stony | rock ||
so that it | gushed out | like the | rivers. ||
18 Yet for all this they sinned | more a- | gainst him ||
and provoked the most | Highest | in the | wilder•ness. ||
19 They tempted God in their hearts, and required | meat for their | lust. ||
20 They spake against God also, saying, * Shall | God pre•pare a | table • in the | wilder•ness? ||
21 He smote the stony rock indeed, * that the waters gushed | out, and the • streams | flowed with•al ||
but can he give bread also, * | or pro•vide | flesh for his | people? ||
22 When the Lord heard | this, • he was | wroth ||
so the fire was kindled in Jacob, * and there came up | heavy dis- | pleasure a•gainst | Isra•el; ||
23 Because they be- | lieved • not in | God ||
and | put not their | trust • in his | help. ||
24 So he commanded the | clouds a- | bove ||
and | opened the | doors of | heaven. ||
25 He rained down manna also upon them for to eat, * and gave them | food from | heaven. ||
26 So man did eat angels' | food: • for he | sent them | meat e•nough. ||
27 He caused the east wind to blow | under | heaven ||
and through his power he brought | in the | south•west | wind. ||
28 He rained flesh upon them as | thick as | dust ||
and feathered fowls like | as the | sand • of the | sea. ||
29 He let it | fall a•mong their | tents ||
even | round a•bout their | habi- | tation. ||
30 So they did eat and were well filled, * for he gave them their | own de- | sire ||
they were | not • disap- | pointed • of their | lust. ||
31 But while the meat was yet in their mouths, * the heavy wrath of God came upon them, and | slew the | wealthiest • of them ||
yea, and smote down the chosen | men that | were in | Isra•el. ||
32 But for all this they sinned yet more, and believed not his | wondrous | works. ||
33 Therefore their days did he consume in | vanity, • and their | years in | trouble. ||
34 When he | slew them, they | sought him ||
and turned them | early, • and in- | quired • after | God. ||
35 And they remembered that | God • was their | strength ||
and that the high | God was | their re- | deemer. ||
36 Nevertheless, they did but | flatter him • with their | mouth ||
and dis- | sembled | with him • in their | tongue. ||
37 For their | heart • was not | whole • with him ||
neither con- | tinued they | stedfast • in his | cove•nant. ||
38 But he was so merciful, that he forgave their mis- | deeds • and de- | stroyed them • not. ||
39 Yea, many a time turned he his wrath away, * and would not suffer his | whole dis- | pleasure • to a- | rise. ||
40 For he considered that they | were but | flesh ||
and that they were even a wind that passeth a- | way, and | cometh • not a- | gain. ||
41 Many a time did they pro- | voke him • in the | wilder•ness ||
and | grieved him | in the | desert. ||
42 They turned back, and tempted God, and moved the | Holy • One in | Isra•el. ||
43 They thought not of his hand, and of the day when he de- | livered them • from the | hand • of the | ene•my; ||
44 How he had wrought his | mira•cles in | Egypt ||
and his | wonders • in the | field of | Zoan. ||
45 He turned their | waters • into | blood ||
so that they | might not | drink • of the | rivers. ||
46 He sent lice among them, and devoured them up; * and | frogs • to de- | stroy them. ||
47 He gave their fruit unto the caterpillar, * and their | labour | unto the | grass•hopper. ||
48 He destroyed their vines with hailstones, * and their mulberry | trees • with the | frost. ||
49 He smote their cattle also with | hailstones, • and their | flocks with • hot | thunder•bolts. ||
50 He cast upon them the furiousness of his wrath, * anger, dis- | pleasure, • and | trouble ||
and sent | evil | angels a- | mong them. ||
51 He made a way to his indignation, and spared not their | soul from | death ||
but gave | their life | over • to the | pesti•lence; ||
52 And smote all the | firstborn in | Egypt ||
the most principal and | mightiest • in the | dwellings of | Ham. ||
53 But as for his own people, * he led them | forth like | sheep ||
and carried them in the | wilderness | like a | flock. ||
54 He brought them out safely, that they | should not | fear ||
and over- | whelmed their | enemies • with the | sea. ||
55 And brought them within the | borders • of his | sanc•tuary ||
even to his | mountain • which he | purchased • with his | right hand. ||
56 He cast out the heathen | also be- | fore them ||
caused their land to be divided among them for an heritage, * and made the tribes of | Isra•el to | dwell in their | tents. ||
57 So they tempted and displeased the most high God, and | kept • not his | testi•monies; ||
58 But turned their backs, and fell away like their forefathers, * starting a- | side • like a | broken | bow. ||
59 For they | grieved him • with their | hill•altars ||
and pro- | voked him • to dis- | pleasure • with their | ima•ges. ||
60 When God heard | this, • he was | wroth ||
and took | sore dis- | pleasure at | Isra•el. ||
61 So that he forsook the | taber•nacle in | Silo ||
even the | tent that • he had | pitched a•mong | men. ||
62 He delivered their | power • into cap- | tivi•ty ||
and their | beauty • into the | ene•my's | hand. ||
63 He gave his people over also | unto the | sword ||
and was | wroth with | his in- | heri•tance. ||
64 The fire con- | sumed their young | men ||
and their | maidens • were not | given to | marriage. ||
65 Their priests were | slain • with the | sword ||
and there were no | widows to | make • lamen- | tation. ||
66 So the Lord awaked as one | out of | sleep ||
and like a | giant re- | freshed with | wine. ||
67 He smote his enemies in the | hinder | parts ||
and | put them • to a per- | pet•ual | shame. ||
68 He refused the | taber•nacle of | Joseph ||
and chose | not the | tribe of | Ephraim; ||
69 But chose the | tribe of | Judah ||
even the hill of | Sion | which he | loved. ||
70 And there he built his | temple on | high ||
and laid the foundation of it like the | ground which • he hath | made con- | tinual•ly. ||
71 He chose David | also his | servant ||
and | took him a- | way • from the | sheepfolds. ||
72 As he was following the ewes great with | young ones he | took him ||
that he might feed Jacob his | people, • and | Israel • his in- | heri•tance. ||
73 So he fed them with a | faithful and • true | heart ||
and ruled them | prudent•ly with | all his | power. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||