Psalm 81

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Sing we merrily unto | God our | strength ||
make a cheerful | noise un•to the | God of | Jacob. ||
2 Take the psalm, bring | hither the | tabret ||
the | merry | harp • with the | lute. ||
3 Blow up the trumpet in | the new | moon ||
even in the time appointed, | and up•on our | solemn | feast day. ||
4 For this was made a | statute for | Isra•el ||
and a | law • of the | God of | Jacob. ||
5 This he ordained in | Joseph • for a | testi•mony ||
when he came out of the land of | Egypt, • and had | heard a • strange | language. ||
6 I eased his | shoulder • from the | burden ||
and his hands were de- | livered from | making the | pots. ||
7 Thou calledst upon me in troubles, and | I de- | livered • thee ||
and heard thee what time as the storm fell upon thee. * 8 I proved thee | also • at the | waters • of | strife. ||
9 Hear, | O my | people, ||
and I will assure thee, O | Isra•el, | if thou wilt | hearken • unto me, ||
10 There shall no | strange god | be in • thee ||
neither shalt thou | worship • any | other | god. ||
11 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the | land of | Egypt ||
open thy mouth | wide, and | I shall | fill it. ||
12 But my people would not | hear my | voice ||
and | Isra•el | would not o- | bey me. ||
13 So I gave them up unto their | own hearts' | lusts ||
and let them | follow • their | own im•agin- | ations. ||
14 O that my | people • would have | hearkened • unto me ||
for if | Isra•el had | walked in my | ways, ||
15 I should soon have put | down their | ene•mies ||
and turned my | hand a- | gainst their | adver•saries. ||
16 The haters of the Lord | should have been • found | liars ||
but their | time • should have en- | dured for | ever. ||
17 He should have fed them also with the | finest | wheat flour ||
and with honey out of the stony | rock should | I have | satis•fied thee. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||