Psalm 92

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 It is a good thing to give | thanks un•to the | Lord ||
and to sing | praises • unto thy | Name, • O most | Highest; ||
2 To tell of thy lovingkindness | early • in the | morning ||
and | of thy | truth • in the | night • season; ||
3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, | and up•on the | lute ||
upon a loud | instru•ment, | and up•on the | harp. ||
4 For thou, Lord, hast made me | glad • through thy | works ||
and I will rejoice in giving praise for the oper- | ations | of thy | hands. ||
5 O Lord, how | glorious • are thy | works! ||
thy | thoughts are | very | deep. ||
6 An unwise man doth not | well con- | sider • this ||
and a | fool • doth not | under- | stand it. ||
7 When the ungodly are | green as the | grass, ||
and when all the | workers of | wicked•ness do | flourish ||
then shall they be de- | stroyed for | ever; ||
but thou, Lord, art the most | Highest for | ever- | more. ||
8 For lo, thine enemies, O Lord, lo, thine | ene•mies shall | perish ||
and all the workers of | wicked•ness shall | be de- | stroyed. ||
9 But mine horn shall be exalted like the | horn • of an | uni•corn ||
for I am a- | nointed with | fresh | oil. ||
10 Mine eye also shall see his | lust • of mine | ene•mies ||
and mine ear shall hear his desire of the | wicked • that a- | rise • up a- | gainst me. ||
11 The righteous shall | flourish • like a | palm tree ||
and shall spread a- | broad • like a | cedar in | Liban•us. ||
12 Such as are planted in the | house • of the | Lord ||
shall flourish in the | courts • of the | house of our | God. ||
13 They also shall bring forth more | fruit in their | age ||
and | shall be | fat and • well | liking. ||
2nd half
14 That they may shew how true the | Lord my | strength is ||
and that there is | no un- | righteous•ness in | him. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||