Psalm 90

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Lord, | thou hast • been our | refuge ||
from | one • gene- | ration • to an- | other. ||
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, * or ever the earth and the | world were | made ||
thou art God from ever- | lasting, and | world with•out | end. ||
3 Thou turnest | man • to de- | struction ||
again thou sayest, Come a- | gain, ye | children of | men. ||
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are | but as | yester•day ||
seeing that is | past • as a | watch • in the | night. ||
5 As soon as thou scatterest them they are | even • as a | sleep ||
and fade away | sudden•ly | like the | grass. ||
6 In the morning it is | green, and • groweth | up ||
but in the evening it is cut | down, dried | up, and | withered. ||
7 For we consume a- | way in • thy dis- | pleasure ||
and are a- | fraid • at thy | wrathful • indig- | nation. ||
8 Thou hast set our mis- | deeds be- | fore thee ||
and our secret | sins • in the | light of thy | counte•nance. ||
9 For when thou art angry | all our • days are | gone ||
we bring our years to an end, | as it • were a | tale • that is | told. ||
10 The days of our age are threescore | years and | ten; ||
and though men be so | strong • that they | come to | fourscore • years ||
yet is their strength then but | labour and | sorrow; ||
so soon | passeth • it a- | way, and • we are | gone. ||
11 But who regardeth the | power of thy | wrath? ||
for even thereafter as a man | feareth, | so is • thy dis- | pleasure. ||
12 So teach us to | number our | days ||
that we may ap- | ply our | hearts • unto | wisdom. ||
13 Turn thee again, O | Lord, • at the | last ||
and be | gracious | unto thy | servants. ||
14 O satisfy us with thy | mercy, and • that | soon ||
so shall we rejoice and be | glad • all the | days of our | life. ||
15 Comfort us again now after the | time that • thou hast | plagued us ||
and for the years where- | in • we have | suffered ad- | versi•ty. ||
16 Shew thy servants thy work, and their | children thy | glory. ||
17 And the glorious majesty of the | Lord our | God • be up- | on us ||
prosper thou the | work of our | hands up•on us, ||
O | prosper | thou our | handi•work. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||