Psalm 110

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 The Lord said unto my Lord: Sit thou | on my | right hand, ||
until I | make thine | ene•mies thy | footstool. ||
2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy | power • out of | Sion ||
be thou ruler, even in the | midst a- | mong thine | ene•mies. ||
3 In the day of thy power shall the people offer thee free-will offerings with an | holy | worship ||
the dew of thy | birth is • of the | womb • of the | morning. ||
4 The Lord sware, and will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever after the | order • of Mel- | chise•dech. ||
5 The Lord upon thy right hand shall wound even | kings • in the | day of his | wrath. ||
6 He shall | judge a•mong the | heathen; ||
he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; * and smite in sunder the | heads • over | divers | countries. ||
7 He shall drink of the | brook • in the | way ||
therefore shall | he lift | up his | head. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||