Psalm 109

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Hold not thy tongue, O | God of my | praise ||
for the mouth of the ungodly, yea, the mouth of the de- | ceitful is | opened up- | on me. ||
2 And they have spoken against me with | false | tongues ||
they compassed me about also with words of hatred, * and fought a- | gainst me with- | out a | cause. ||
3 For the love that I had unto them, lo, they take now my | contra•ry | part ||
but I | give myself | unto | prayer. ||
4 Thus have they rewarded me | evil for | good ||
and | hatred for | my good | will. ||
5 Set thou an ungodly man to be | ruler | over • him ||
and let | Satan | stand • at his | right hand. ||
6 When sentence is given upon him, | let him • be con- | demned ||
and let his | prayer be | turned • into | sin. ||
7 Let his days be few; and let an- | other • take his | office. ||
8 Let his children be | fatherless • and his | wife a | widow. ||
9 Let his children be vagabonds, and | beg their | bread ||
let them seek it | also • out of | deso•late | places. ||
10 Let the extortioner consume | all that he | hath ||
and let the | stranger | spoil his | labour. ||
11 Let there be | no • man to | pity • him ||
nor to have com- | passion up•on his | fatherless | children. ||
12 Let his pos- | terity • be de- | stroyed ||
and in the next generation let his | name be | clean put | out. ||
13 Let the wickedness of his fathers be had in remembrance in the | sight • of the | Lord ||
and let not the sin of his | mother be | done a- | way. ||
14 Let them alway be be- | fore the | Lord ||
that he may root out the memorial of | them from | off the | earth. ||
15 And that, because his mind was | not to • do | good ||
but persecuted the poor helpless man, * that he might slay | him that was | vexed • at the | heart. ||
16 His delight was in cursing, and | it shall | happen • unto him ||
he loved not blessing, | therefore | shall it be | far • from him. ||
17 He clothed himself with cursing, | like as • with a | raiment ||
and it shall come into his bowels like | water, and • like | oil in•to his | bones. ||
18 Let it be unto him as the cloke that he | hath up- | on him ||
and as the | girdle that • he is | alway | girded with•al. ||
19 Let it thus happen from the Lord | unto mine | ene•mies ||
and to those that speak | evil a- | gainst my | soul. ||
20 But deal thou with me, O Lord God, according unto thy Name; * for | sweet is thy | mercy. ||
21 O deliver me, for I am helpless and poor, * and my | heart is | wounded with- | in me. ||
22 I go hence like the | shadow • that de- | parteth ||
and am | driven a- | way • as the | grass•hopper. ||
23 My knees are | weak through | fasting ||
my flesh is dried | up for | want of | fatness. ||
24 I became | also • a re- | proach unto • them ||
they that looked up- | on me | shaked their | heads. ||
25 Help me, O | Lord my | God ||
O | save • me ac- | cording • to thy | mercy. ||
§ 26 And | they shall | know, ||
how that this is thy | hand • and that | thou, Lord, hast | done it. ||
27 Though they curse, | yet bless | thou ||
and let them be confounded that rise up against me; * but | let thy | servant re- | joice. ||
28 Let mine adversaries be | clothed with | shame ||
and let them cover themselves with their own con- | fusion, | as • with a | cloke. ||
29 As for me, I will give great thanks unto the | Lord • with my | mouth ||
and | praise • him a- | mong the | multi•tude. ||
30 For he shall stand at the right | hand • of the | poor ||
to save his | soul • from un- | righteous | judges. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||