Psalm 103

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Praise the | Lord, • O my | soul ||
and all that is within me | praise his | holy | Name. ||
2 Praise the | Lord, • O my | soul ||
and for- | get not | all his | bene•fits; ||
3 Who for- | giveth • all thy | sin ||
and | healeth | all • thine in- | firmi•ties; ||
4 Who saveth thy | life • from de- | struction ||
and crowneth thee with | mercy and | loving- | kindness; ||
5 Who satisfieth thy | mouth with • good | things ||
making thee | young and | lusty • as an | eagle. ||
6 The Lord executeth | righteous•ness and | judgement ||
for all | them that • are op- | pressed with | wrong. ||
7 He shewed his | ways • unto | Moses ||
his | works un•to the | children of | Isra•el. ||
8 The Lord is full of com- | passion and | mercy ||
long- | suffering, | and of • great | goodness. ||
9 He will not | alway be | chiding ||
neither | keepeth • he his | anger for | ever. ||
10 He hath not dealt with us | after our | sins ||
nor rewarded us ac- | cording | to our | wicked•nesses. ||
11 For look how high the heaven is in com- | parison • of the | earth ||
so great is his mercy | also • toward | them that | fear him. ||
12 Look how wide also the | east is • from the | west ||
so | far • hath he | set our | sins • from us. ||
13 Yea, like as a father | pitieth his • own | children ||
even so is the Lord | merciful • unto | them that | fear him. ||
14 For he knoweth where- | of • we are | made ||
he re- | membereth • that we | are but | dust. ||
15 The days of | man are • but as | grass ||
for he | flourisheth • as a | flower • of the | field. ||
16 For as soon as the wind goeth | over it, • it is | gone ||
and the | place there•of shall | know it no | more. ||
17 But the merciful goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon | them that | fear him ||
and his | righteous•ness upon | children's | children; ||
18 Even upon such as | keep his | cove•nant ||
and | think upon • his com- | mandments to | do them. ||
19 The Lord hath prepared his | seat in | heaven ||
and his | kingdom | ruleth • over | all. ||
20 O praise the Lord, ye angels of his, * ye that ex- | cel in | strength ||
ye that fulfil his commandment, and | hearken • unto the | voice of his | words. ||
21 O praise the Lord, | all • ye his | hosts ||
ye | servants of • his that | do his | pleasure. ||
22 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his, * in all | places of • his do- | minion ||
praise | thou the | Lord, • O my | soul. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||