Psalm 105

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 O give thanks unto the Lord, and | call up•on his | Name ||
tell the | people • what | things • he hath | done. ||
2 O let your songs be of | him, and | praise him ||
and let your talking be of | all his | wondrous | works. ||
3 Rejoice in his holy Name: * let the heart of them re- | joice that • seek the | Lord. ||
4 Seek the Lord and his | strength • seek his | face • ever- | more. ||
5 Remember the marvellous works that he hath done, * his wonders, and the | judgements • of his | mouth, ||
6 O ye seed of Abraham his servant, * ye | children of | Jacob his | chosen. ||
7 He is the Lord our God: * his judgements are in | all the | world. ||
8 He hath been alway mindful of his covenant and promise that he | made • to a | thousand • gener- | ations; ||
9 Even the covenant that he | made with | Abra•ham ||
and the | oath • that he | sware • unto | Isaac; ||
10 And appointed the same unto | Jacob • for a | law ||
and to | Israel • for an | ever•lasting | testa•ment; ||
11 Saying, Unto thee will I give the | land of | Canaan, ||
the | lot of | your in- | heri•tance; ||
12 When there were | yet • but a | few of • them ||
and they | strangers | in the | land; ||
13 What time as they went from one | nation • to an- | other ||
from one | kingdom • to an- | other | people; ||
14 He suffered no man to | do them | wrong ||
but re- | proved • even | kings for their | sakes; ||
15 Touch not | mine A- | nointed ||
and | do my | prophets no | harm. ||
16 Moreover, he called for a | dearth up•on the | land ||
and destroyed | all • the pro- | vision of | bread. ||
17 But he had sent a | man be- | fore them ||
even | Joseph, • who was | sold to • be a | bond•servant; ||
18 Whose feet they hurt in the stocks; * the iron entered | into his | soul; ||
19 Until the time came that his cause was known; * the | word • of the | Lord | tried him. ||
20 The king | sent, • and de- | livered • him ||
the prince of the | people | let him • go | free. ||
21 He made him lord | also • of his | house ||
and | ruler of | all his | substance; ||
22 That he might inform his princes | after his | will ||
and | teach his | sena•tors | wisdom. ||
23 Israel also came | into | Egypt ||
and Jacob was a | stranger • in the | land of | Ham. ||
24 And he increased his | people ex- | ceeding•ly ||
and | made them | stronger • than their | ene•mies; ||
25 Whose heart turned, so that they | hated his | people ||
and | dealt un- | truly • with his | servants. ||
26 Then sent he | Moses his | servant ||
and | Aaron | whom he had | chosen. ||
27 And these shewed his | tokens a- | mong them ||
and | wonders • in the | land of | Ham. ||
28 He sent darkness, and | it was | dark ||
and they were not o- | be•dient | unto his | word. ||
29 He turned their waters into blood, and | slew their | fish. ||
30 Their land brought forth frogs, yea, | even • in their | kings' | chambers. ||
31 He spake the word, and there came all | manner of | flies ||
and | lice in | all their | quarters. ||
32 He gave them | hailstones for | rain ||
and | flames of | fire • in their | land. ||
33 He smote their vines | also and | fig trees ||
and destroyed the | trees • that were | in their | coasts. ||
34 He spake the word, and the grasshoppers came, * and | cater•pillars in- | numer•able ||
and did eat up all the grass in their land, * and de- | voured the | fruit of their | ground. ||
35 He smote all the | firstborn • in their | land ||
even the | chief of | all their | strength. ||
36 He brought them forth also with silver and gold; * there was not one feeble person a- | mong their | tribes. ||
37 Egypt was glad at their de- | parting, for | they were a- | fraid of • them. ||
38 He spread out a | cloud to • be a | cover•ing ||
and | fire • to give | light • in the | night • season. ||
39 At their de- | sire he • brought | quails ||
and he | filled them • with the | bread of | heaven. ||
40 He opened the rock of stone, and the waters flowed out; * so that rivers ran | in the • dry | places. ||
41 For why? * he remembered his holy | promise, • and | Abra•ham his | servant. ||
Or, 42 And he brought forth his | people with | joy, ||
and | — his | chosen with | gladness; ||
§ 42 And he | brought • forth his | people ||
with | joy, • and his | chosen with | gladness; ||
43 And gave them the | lands • of the | heathen ||
and they took the | labours • of the | people • in pos- | session; ||
2nd half
Or, 44 That they might | keep his | statutes ||
and | — ob- | serve his | laws. ||
§ 44 That | they might | keep ||
his | statutes • and ob- | serve his | laws. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||