Benedicite, omnia opera Domini

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


O all ye Works of the Lord, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Angels of the Lord, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Heavens, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Waters that be above the firmament, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O all ye Powers of the Lord, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Sun and Moon, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Stars of heaven, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Showers and Dew, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Winds of God, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Fire and Heat, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Winter and Summer, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Dews and Frosts, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Frost and Cold, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Ice and Snow, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Nights and Days, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Light and Darkness, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Lightnings and Clouds, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O let the Earth | bless the | Lord ||
yea, let it praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Mountains and Hills, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O all ye Green things upon the earth, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Wells, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Seas and Floods, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Whales, and all that move in the waters, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O all ye Fowls of the air, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O all ye Beasts and Cattle, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Children of men, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O let Israel | bless the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Priests of the Lord, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Servants of the Lord, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Spirits and Souls of the righteous, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O ye Holy and Humble men of heart, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, | bless • ye the | Lord ||
praise him, and | magnify | him for | ever. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||