Te Deum laudamus

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


We praise | thee, O | God ||
we ac- | knowledge • thee to | be the | Lord. ||
All the | earth doth | worship • thee ||
the | Father | ever- | lasting. ||
To thee all Angels | cry a- | loud ||
the | Heavens, • and | all the | powers there•in. ||
§ To thee | Cheru•bin and | Seraph•in ||
con- | tinu•al- | ly do | cry, ||
Holy, Holy, Holy; * Lord | God of Sa- | baoth; ||
Heaven and earth are full of the | Majesty | of thy | glory. ||
The glorious company of the A- | postles | praise thee. ||
The goodly | fellowship • of the | Prophets | praise thee. ||
The noble army of | Martyrs | praise thee. ||
The holy Church throughout | all the | world • doth ac- | knowledge • thee; ||
The Father of an | infinite | Majes•ty; ||
Thine honourable, true and only Son; * also the | Holy | Ghost the | Comfort•er, ||
Thou art the King of | Glory, • O | Christ; ||
Thou art the ever- | lasting | Son • of the | Father. ||
When thou tookest upon thee to de- | liver | man ||
thou didst not ab- | hor the | Virgin's | womb. ||
When thou hadst overcome the | sharpness of | death ||
thou didst open the Kingdom of | Heaven • to | all be- | lievers. ||
Thou sittest at the | right • hand of | God ||
in the | glory | of the | Father. ||
We believe that thou shalt | come to • be our | Judge. ||
We therefore pray thee, help thy servants, * whom thou hast re- | deemed • with thy | precious | blood. ||
Make them to be | numbered • with thy | saints ||
in | glory | ever- | lasting. ||
O Lord, save thy people, and | bless thine | heri•tage. ||
Govern them and | lift them | up for | ever. ||
Day by | day we | magnify • thee; ||
And we worship thy | Name • ever, | world with•out | end. ||
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this | day with•out | sin. ||
O Lord, have mercy up- | on us, • have | mer•cy up- | on us. ||
O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us, as our | trust • is in | thee. ||
O Lord, in thee have I trusted; * let me | never | be con- | founded. ||