Psalm 97

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 The Lord is King, the | earth • may be | glad there•of ||
yea, the | multi•tude of the | isles • may be | glad there•of. ||
2 Clouds and darkness are | round a- | bout him ||
righteousness and judgement are the habi- | tation | of his | seat. ||
3 There shall go a | fire be- | fore him ||
and burn up his | ene•mies on | ever•y | side. ||
4 His lightnings gave | shine un•to the | world ||
the earth | saw it, • and | was a- | fraid. ||
5 The hills melted like wax at the | presence • of the | Lord ||
at the presence of the | Lord • of the | whole | earth. ||
6 The heavens have de- | clared his | righteous•ness ||
and all the | people • have | seen his | glory. ||
7 Confounded be all they that worship carved images, * and that de- | light in • vain | gods ||
wor- | ship him, | all ye | gods. ||
8 Sion heard of it, and rejoiced, and the daughters of | Judah were | glad, ||
be- | cause of thy | judgements, • O | Lord. ||
9 For thou, Lord, art higher than | all that are • in the | earth ||
thou art ex- | alted | far a•bove | all gods. ||
10 O ye that love the Lord, see that ye hate the | thing • which is | evil ||
the Lord preserveth the souls of his saints; * he shall deliver them | from the | hand of • the un- | godly. ||
11 There is sprung up a | light • for the | righteous ||
and joyful | gladness for | such as • are | true- • hearted. ||
12 Rejoice in the | Lord, ye | righteous ||
and give thanks for a re- | membrance | of his | holi•ness. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||