Psalm 71

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 In thee, O Lord, have I | put my | trust, ||
let me | never • be | put to con- | fusion ||
but rid me and de- | liver me • in thy | righteous•ness, ||
incline thine | ear • unto | me, and | save me. ||
2 Be thou my stronghold, whereunto I may | alway re- | sort ||
thou hast promised to help me, * for thou art my | house of de- | fence • and my | castle. ||
3 Deliver me, O my God, out of the | hand of • the un- | godly ||
out of the hand of the un- | righteous and | cruel | man. ||
4 For thou, O Lord God, art the | thing that I | long for ||
thou art my | hope, | even • from my | youth. ||
5 Through thee have I been holden up ever since I was born; * thou art he that took me out of my | mother's | womb; ||
my | praise • shall be | always of | thee. ||
6 I am become as it were a | monster • unto | many ||
but | my sure | trust • is in | thee. ||
7 O let my mouth be | filled with thy | praise ||
that I may sing of thy glory and | honour | all the • day | long. ||
8 Cast me not away in the | time of | age ||
forsake me | not • when my | strength | faileth • me. ||
9 For mine enemies | speak a- | gainst me, ||
and they that lay wait for my | soul • take their | counsel to- | gether, ||
saying, | God hath for- | saken • him; ||
persecute him, and take him, | for there is | none • to de- | liver • him. ||
10 Go not | far from • me, O | God ||
my | God, | haste • thee to | help me. ||
11 Let them be confounded and perish that are a- | gainst my | soul ||
let them be covered with shame and dis- | honour • that | seek to • do me | evil. ||
12 As for me, I will patiently abide alway, * and will praise thee | more and | more. ||
13 My mouth shall daily speak of thy righteousness and sal- | vation, • for I | know no | end there•of. ||
14 I will go forth in the | strength of the • Lord | God ||
and will make | mention • of thy | righteousness | only. ||
15 Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth up | until | now ||
therefore will I | tell of thy | wondrous | works. ||
§ 16 Forsake me | not, O | God, ||
in mine old | age, when | I am gray- | headed ||
until I have shewed thy strength unto | this • gene- | ration, ||
and thy power to all | them that are | yet • for to | come. ||
17 Thy righteousness, O | God, is • very | high ||
and great things are they that thou hast done; * O | God, • who is | like • unto | thee? ||
18 O what great troubles and ad- | versities • hast thou | shewed me, ||
and yet didst thou turn and refresh me; * yea, and broughtest me from the | deep • of the | earth a- | gain. ||
19 Thou hast | brought me to • great | honour ||
and | comforted • me on | ever•y | side. ||
20 Therefore will I praise thee and thy faithfulness, O God, * playing upon an | instru•ment of | music ||
unto thee will I sing upon the | harp, • O thou | Holy • One of | Isra•el. ||
21 My lips will be | fain • when I | sing unto • thee ||
and so will my | soul whom | thou hast de- | livered. ||
22 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness | all the • day | long ||
for they are confounded and brought unto | shame that | seek to • do me | evil. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||