Psalm 66

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 O be joyful in | God, • all ye | lands ||
sing praises unto the honour of his | Name, • make his | praise • to be | glor•ious. ||
2 Say unto God, O how wonderful art | thou in thy | works! ||
through the greatness of thy power shall thine | ene•mies be | found | liars • unto thee. ||
3 For all the | world shall | worship • thee ||
sing of | thee, and | praise thy | Name. ||
4 O come hither, and behold the | works of | God ||
how wonderful he is in his | doing • toward the | children of | men. ||
5 He turned the | sea into • dry | land ||
so that they went through the water on foot; * | there did | we re- | joice there•of. ||
6 He ruleth with his power for ever; * his | eyes be•hold the | people ||
and such as will not believe shall | not be | able • to ex- | alt them•selves. ||
7 O praise our | God, ye | people ||
and make the | voice of his | praise • to be | heard; ||
8 Who holdeth our | soul in | life ||
and | suffereth • not our | feet to | slip. ||
9 For thou, O | God, hast | proved us ||
thou also hast | tried us, | like as | silver is • tried. ||
10 Thou broughtest us | into the | snare ||
and laidest | trouble up- | on our | loins. ||
11 Thou sufferedst men to ride over our heads; * we went through | fire and | water, ||
and thou broughtest us | out in•to a | wealthy | place. ||
12 I will go into thine house with burnt offerings, * and will | pay thee my | vows, ||
which I promised with my lips, and spake with my | mouth, when | I was in | trouble. ||
13 I will offer unto thee fat burnt sacrifices, with the | incense of | rams ||
I will | offer | bullocks • and | goats. ||
14 O come hither, and hearken, all | ye that • fear | God ||
and I will tell you what | he hath | done • for my | soul. ||
15 I called unto him with my mouth, and gave him | praises • with my | tongue. ||
16 If I incline unto wickedness with mine | heart, the | Lord • will not | hear me. ||
17 But God hath heard me, and considered the | voice of my | prayer. ||
18 Praised be God, who hath not cast out my | prayer, nor | turned his | mercy • from me. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||