Psalm 60

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 O God, thou hast cast us out, and | scattered • us a- | broad ||
thou hast also been displeased; * O | turn thee • unto | us a- | gain. ||
2 Thou hast moved the | land, • and di- | vided • it ||
heal the | sores there- | of, • for it | shaketh. ||
3 Thou hast shewed thy people | heavy | things ||
thou hast given us a | drink of | deadly | wine. ||
4 Thou hast given a token for | such as | fear thee ||
that they may | triumph be- | cause • of the | truth. ||
5 Therefore were thy be- | loved de- | livered ||
help | me with • thy | right hand, and | hear me. ||
6 God hath | spoken • in his | holi•ness, ||
I will rejoice, and divide Sichem, and mete | out the | valley of | Succoth. ||
7 Gilead is mine, and Ma- | nasses is | mine ||
Ephraim also is the strength of my head; * | Judah | is my | law•giver; ||
8 Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast | out my | shoe ||
Phil- | istia, | be thou | glad of • me. ||
9 Who will lead me into the strong city? * who will | bring me • into | Edom? ||
10 Hast not thou cast us out, O God? * wilt not thou, O | God, go | out with our | hosts? ||
11 O be thou our | help in | trouble ||
for | vain • is the | help of | man. ||
2nd half
12 Through God will we | do great | acts ||
for it is | he that • shall tread | down our | ene•mies. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||