Psalm 38

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Put me not to rebuke, O | Lord, • in thine | anger ||
neither | chasten me • in thy | heavy dis- | pleasure. ||
2 For thine | arrows stick | fast • in me ||
and | thy hand | presseth me | sore. ||
3 There is no health in my flesh, be- | cause of • thy dis- | pleasure ||
neither is there any rest in my | bones, by | reason • of my | sin. ||
4 For my wickednesses are gone | over my | head ||
and are like a sore | burden, • too | heavy for • me to | bear. ||
5 My wounds stink, and are cor- | rupt • through my | foolish•ness. ||
6 I am brought into so great trouble and misery, * that I go | mourning | all the • day | long. ||
7 For my loins are filled with a | sore dis- | ease ||
and there is no | whole part | in my | body. ||
8 I am | feeble, and • sore | smitten ||
I have roared for the very dis- | quiet•ness | of my | heart. ||
9 Lord, thou knowest | all • my de- | sire ||
and my | groaning | is not | hid from • thee. ||
10 My heart panteth, my | strength hath | failed me ||
and the | light of • mine | eyes is | gone • from me. ||
11 My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking up- | on my | trouble ||
and my | kinsmen | stood a•far | off. ||
12 They also that sought after my | life laid | snares • for me ||
and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness, * and im- | agined de•ceit | all the • day | long. ||
13 As for me, I was like a deaf | man, and | heard not ||
and as one that is dumb, who | doth not | open his | mouth. ||
14 I became even as a | man that | heareth • not ||
and in whose | mouth are | no re- | proofs. ||
15 For in thee, O Lord, have I | put my | trust ||
thou shalt | answer for • me, O | Lord my | God. ||
16 I have required that they, even mine enemies, | should not | triumph • over me ||
for when my foot slipped, they re- | joiced | greatly a- | gainst me. ||
17 And I, truly, am | set • in the | plague ||
and my heaviness is | ever | in my | sight. ||
18 For I will con- | fess my | wicked•ness ||
and be | sorry | for my | sin. ||
19 But mine enemies | live, • and are | mighty ||
and they that hate me | wrongful•ly are | many in | number. ||
20 They also that reward evil for | good • are a- | gainst me ||
because I | follow the | thing that | good is. ||
21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God, * | be not thou | far • from me. ||
22 Haste thee to help me, O Lord | God of | my sal- | vation. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||