Psalm 25

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 Unto thee, O Lord, will I lift | up my | soul; ||
my | God, • I have | put my | trust in • thee ||
O let me not | be con- | founded, ||
neither let mine | ene•mies | triumph | over • me. ||
2 For all they that hope in thee shall not | be a- | shamed ||
but such as transgress without a | cause • shall be | put to con- | fusion. ||
3 Shew me thy ways, O Lord, and | teach me thy | paths. ||
4 Lead me | forth in thy | truth, and | learn me ||
for thou art the | God of • my sal- | vation; ||
in thee hath been my | hope | all the • day | long. ||
5 Call to remembrance, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy | loving- | kindness•es, ||
which | have been | ever of | old. ||
6 O remember not the sins and of- | fences • of my | youth ||
but according to thy mercy think thou up- | on me, • O | Lord, • for thy | goodness. ||
7 Gracious and | righteous • is the | Lord ||
therefore will he teach | sinners | in the | way. ||
8 Them that are meek shall he | guide in | judgement ||
and such as are gentle, | them • shall he | learn his | way. ||
9 All the paths of the Lord are | mer•cy and | truth ||
unto such as keep his | covenant | and his | testi•monies. ||
10 For thy | Name's sake, O | Lord ||
be merciful unto my | sin, for | it is | great. ||
11 What man is he that | feareth the | Lord? ||
him shall he | teach • in the | way that • he shall | choose. ||
12 His soul shall | dwell at | ease ||
and his | seed • shall in- | herit the | land. ||
13 The secret of the Lord is a- mong | them that | fear him ||
and | he will | shew them his | cove•nant. ||
14 Mine eyes are ever looking | unto the | Lord ||
for he shall | pluck my | feet • out of the | net. ||
15 Turn thee unto me, and have | mer•cy up- | on me ||
for I am | deso•late | and in | miser•y. ||
16 The sorrows of my | heart • are en- | larged ||
O | bring thou • me | out of my | troubles. ||
17 Look upon my ad- | versi•ty and | miser•y ||
and for- | give me | all my | sin. ||
18 Consider mine enemies, how | many • they | are ||
and they | bear a | tyran•nous | hate a•gainst me. ||
19 O keep my | soul, • and de- | liver • me ||
let me not be confounded, for I have | put my | trust in | thee. ||
20 Let perfectness and righteous | dealing | wait up•on me ||
for my | hope hath | been in | thee. ||
Or, 21 Deliver | Israel, • O | God, ||
out | — of | all his | troubles.||
§ 21 De- | liver | Isra•el, ||
O | God, • out of | all his | troubles. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||