Psalm 147

Chant Psalter

Natural Speech Rhythm


1 O praise the Lord, * for it is a good thing to sing praises | unto our | God ||
yea, a joyful and pleasant | thing it | is • to be | thankful. ||
2 The Lord doth build | up Je- | rusa•lem ||
and gather to- | gether the | outcasts of | Isra•el. ||
3 He healeth those that are | broken in | heart ||
and giveth | medicine to | heal their | sickness. ||
4 He telleth the | number • of the | stars ||
and | calleth them | all • by their | names. ||
5 Great is our Lord, and | great • is his | power ||
yea, | and his | wisdom is | infin•ite. ||
6 The Lord setteth | up the | meek ||
and bringeth the un- | godly | down • to the | ground. ||
7 O sing unto the | Lord with | thanks•giving ||
sing | praises up•on the | harp un•to our | God; ||
8 Who covereth the | heaven • with | clouds, ||
and pre- | pareth | rain • for the | earth ||
and maketh the grass to | grow up•on the | mountains, ||
and | herb • for the | use of | men; ||
9 Who giveth fodder | unto the | cattle ||
and | feedeth the • young | ravens that | call up•on him. ||
10 He hath no pleasure in the | strength • of an | horse ||
neither de- | lighteth • he in | any • man's | legs. ||
11 But the Lord's delight is in | them that | fear him ||
and | put their | trust • in his | mercy. ||
12 Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; * praise thy | God, O | Sion. ||
13 For he hath made fast the bars of thy gates; * and hath | blessed thy | children with- | in thee. ||
14 He maketh | peace in thy | borders ||
and | filleth thee • with the | flour of | wheat. ||
15 He sendeth forth his com- | mandment up•on | earth ||
and his | word | runneth • very | swiftly. ||
16 He giveth snow like wool, and scattereth the | hoarfrost like | ashes. ||
17 He casteth forth his ice like morsels: * who is | able • to a- | bide his | frost? ||
18 He sendeth out his | word, and | melteth • them ||
he bloweth with his | wind, • and the | waters | flow. ||
19 He sheweth his | word • unto | Jacob ||
his statutes and | ordi•nances | unto | Isra•el. ||
2nd half
20 He hath not dealt | so with • any | nation ||
neither have the | heathen | knowledge • of his | laws. ||
Glory | be • to the | Father, ||
and to the Son, | and • to the | Holy | Ghost; ||
As it | was in • the be- | ginning, ||
is now, and ever shall be, * | world with•out | end. A- | men. ||